Dermaplaning is an effective yet gentle physical exfoliation technique that will remove redundant skin cells and vellous hair (or peach fuzz) from your skin’s surface. It is a non-invasive procedure that involves a medical-grade scalpel to gently scrape off these impurities from the top layer of your skin. By getting rid of redundant skin cells and facial hair, you’ll be left with a radiant skin tone, a smooth skin texture, and overall healthier-looking skin s your skincare products will absorb better and your makeup will sit beautifully. Dermaplaning is painless and there is no downtime or recovery period after a treatment

Unlike at-home DIY kits, dermaplaning involves a sharp scalpel and proper techniques that only professionals are trained to handle. If done by someone inexperienced, it can lead to wounds, sores, or worse, infection!

Dermaplaning Half Face (30 min) $63

Dermaplaning Full Face (60 min) $98

Add on to any facial treatments (15 min) $45