How Often Should You Exfoliate?


Skincare Q&A with Shelley Foster

Have a question about skincare? Shelley Foster is the owner of Jamele Skincare and a skincare therapist with over 20 years experience. Email your skincare question on and we’ll post the answer here for the benefit of other readers. Let us know if you wish your name to printed or if you wish to be anonymous.

Reader Question

Hi Shelley

How often should I exfoliate my skin?

Thank you,

Shelley’s Answer

Dear Sharon,

It’s a question we’re asked regularly at Jamele Skincare: “how often should I exfoliate”? The answer is, “well, it depends”.  The purpose of exfoliation is to remove the build-up of dead skin cells that can accumulate on the surface of the skin. Exfoliation refines skin, making it smoother and softer.  

There is no hard and fast rule on how often you should exfoliate. It depends on your unique skin profile; in particular, whether your skin barrier function is in good shape. The skin barrier describes the uppermost layers of the skin, a natural protective layer against environmental toxins. It is very important to keep this protective layer intact.

If you have a sensitised skin, weekly exfoliation may compromise this barrier and weaken your skin. We are still coming out from a dark chapter in the beauty industry where removing the skin barrier to refine skin tone became popular. Harsh exfoliants, including cheap supermarket exfoliants featuring ‘beads’ are part of this legacy.

So, what’s the answer? Gentle, professional exfoliants that support skin barrier function. Most healthy skins can be exfoliated weekly with this approach.

 Janesce Enzyme Peel contains papaya and pineapple fruit enzymes to gently soften the skin and dissolve away rough patches and blocked pores.

Dermaviduals Peeling Cream is a physical exfoliant that contains jojoba beads for gentle exfoliation without damaging or scratching the skin.

For Environ users, I recommend applying Environ Pre-cleansing Oil and massaging in Environ Hydrating Clay Mask over the top on a weekly basis. This will help melt away blackheads and soften congestion.

Janesce products can be purchased online via the Jamele Shop. Dermaviduals and Environ products can be purchased in clinic at Jamele Skincare, 487 Cameron Road, Tauranga. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Shelley Foster
Jamele Skincare


